Otto fancied himself as very clever and keen. Octopuses were very changeable and unpredictable. They were smart. They were downright brilliant. Cunning. Witty. Shifty. Dangerous. If he wanted to tear apart a ship and keep pieces of it as souvenirs, who could stop him? Who?
I've been wanting to do an octopus for a long time. All those curling, twisting tentacles were interesting to make. And what better ode to the mysterious octopus than to include bits and pieces that look like they came from a shipwreck? That "porthole" is real glass and metal, by the way, found in a bunch of scrap metal somewhere or other. I loved it for this sculpture. Otto (Italian for eight, by the way) measures 3.75 inches tall by 7.5 inches wide by 6.75 inches long.
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